Getting it right the first time?
I never realized how different formal education can be from reality. I am constantly aware of the many examples around me of genius that evolved from an original idea. Genius wasn't the original idea, it was the process. Educators work within tight schedules and boundaries. I have had to sit in doctor's offices, dentist offices, shoe stores, hair salons but never have I had to wait for a class to begin on time. We are tied to schedules therefore we tie student performance to deadlines. Seldom does a student edit or redo an assignment on their own. Students hand work in on time and receive it back with highlighted corrections. Seldom are these assignments handed back with the expectation that every student will redo them better, with more depth. On our 2,500 mile journey west this summer, we spent day 2 in Independence Hall in Philadelphia. I haven't been there since 1977 and now I was there with my daughter at that same age of seven. She...